Thursday, September 17, 2009

Birth Control Pills

Ok, so everyone knows about the pill. It’s simple right? Just take a tiny pill every day and you won't get pregnant. Well there is more to it than that. You have to question yourself: are you at high risk; are you forgetful and what are the positives? Here are some important things you need to know that could make or break you decision to take the pill.

Alright let’s look at how the pill is packaged. The pill comes prepackaged, 28 pills in a veridated compact. To pop a pill out of the container you simply but your thumb on top of the pill and push down through the opening at the bottom of the container. After swallowing the pill, how does that pill work? I asked Bonnie Obois, a RN/RHC at Family Planning Health Services-Adams WI. She says "The pill works in a couple of ways. Mainly by preventing an ovary from releasing an egg. With no egg present for sperm to fertilize, a woman can't get pregnant".

Secondly, when talking about high risk, I'm talking about ways the pill can affect you negatively. Examples of high risk woman are: smokers who are over the age of 35, or people who have factor 5 blood disorder. This means is you should be taking a different kind of pill. You should be taking the pill without estrogen. The pill that contains estrogen can lead to development of blood clots and that could then lead to a stroke or heart attack. Just remember always ask your doctor!!!

Another negative about the pill is that you might forget to take one. It’s so important to take one every day at the same time. If you do forget to take the pill Bonnie says, "as soon as you remember to take your pill take it. If it's already the next day, you can take two pills at the same time".

Enough about the bad, let’s talk about the pros of taking the pill. The pill is tiny and but its very effective. Also you don't have to insert a ring, get a shot, or have a bar in your arm as you do with the other types of birth control! Obois sees patients every day and says why patients like to take birth control over the other methods. "Taking a birth control pill every day puts you in direct charge of your reproductive health care. If for some reason, whether it be a side effect, or a decision to get pregnant you can easily stop taking the pill. Also, pills are less expensive than the ring, gives better cycle control than with the DMPA(shot), usually there is no weight gain associated with it and it may just be preferable to some people".

So if you trying to decide if the pill is your choice for contraception just ask yourself: Am I at high risk? Do I want to take a pill every day? Is the pill right for me? There are many different options for birth control and I will be talking about those later on.

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